Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dress shopping

Ok, I am cheating a little bit today. I went dress shopping yesterday with Rox, Rachel and Anna. It was a lot of fun and a little weird too to see myself in wedding dresses. The pictures Rox took with my iPad are far more interesting than the photos I took, so I am posting one of hers instead. This was at an expensive boutique in Denver. I know I am not going with any of their dresses, so I don't feel bad posting a photo from there.  This one is funny, because it seemed like the more I told the salesgirl that I wanted a sleeker, simpler dress since I am having an outdoor wedding, the larger, poofier dresses she brought me. This one made me feel like I was wading through snow just to walk out of the dressing room.


  1. Should have posted the doily one :) I need to get you all the photos I took, there are some really good ones. Dress shopping made me all verklempt.


  2. Ha! This dress reminds me of Lady Di's dress which looked as if it was designed by a committee who neglected to have any meetings! You will find the perfect dress and be a stunning bride!
